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EN_Imprint - Überschrift


Impressum IBETH

IB Eğitim ve Toplumsal Hizmetler Limited Şirketi (IBETH)
Represented by the management: Leila Becker, Eda Nur Karsel
Merdivenköy Mah. Nur Sok. 
Business Istanbul A Blok No:1 
K: 12 D:115 Ofis:2 
34730 Kadıköy - Istanbul

Phone: +69 945 45 279 (Germany)
Phone.: +90 216 379 25 09 (Turkey)
Mobile: +90 533 415 55 82 (Turkey)
Mail: Leila.Becker@ib.deEda.Karsel@ib.international

Impressum_Zusatz IBETH

Registry Court: Commercial Registry Office Istanbul
Register number: 574711-0
Tax identification number: 4690453561

Redakteur Eda Nur Karsel

Editorial responsibility according to § 18 paragraph 2 MStV:
Eda Nur Karsel, Merdivenköy Mah. Nur Sok., Business Istanbul A Blok No:1, K: 12 D:115 Ofis:2, 34730 Kadıköy - Istanbul

Verbraucherstreitbeilegung IB e.V.

Consumer Dispute Resolution

Internationale Bund (IB) Freier Träger der Jugend-, Sozial- und Bildungsarbeit e.V. is neither obligated nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

EN_Hinweis zum Gender Mainstreaming

Note on gender mainstreaming

To ensure that the content on this page is easy to understand, we have used gender-neutral terms wherever possible. Where this was not possible, we have restricted ourselves to the male form.

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