Social Development
Together and Now for EVERYONE!
Care, counselling and guidance are required in many life circumstances. The IBETH offers services for children, young people, adults, senior citizens and families. Professional social work tailor-made for individual life patterns is often required to help find solutions to issues related to social orientation in today’s complex societies, situations of great need, low standards of living, social exclusion and other difficult living conditions. The IBETH (IB Turkey) provides services to children, youth and people with special needs in all life circumstances, offering various pathways into society. For the IBETH, inclusion refers to everybody with the motto Together and Now for Everyone! Each and every person is considered to be an enrichment and an important part of society. In its mission statement and vision of mankind, the IBETH tries to eliminate any barrier in the life of both the individual and society and to grant everyone the right to develop freely, to take responsibility and to participate actively in the development of society.