![]() | Three Million Trees – Refugee Employment Initiative in TurkeyImplementation Place: Gaziantep Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Implemented by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GIZ Program: Cash for Work Activities Program Project Term: 15.09.2018 - 20.02.2019 Total Number of Beneficiaries: 1001
Total Number of Saplings
Turkey has taken in more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, making it the country hosting the most refugees throughout the world. The refugees are provided with basic services by the Turkish state, but most of them lack opportunities for earning income and acquiring vocational qualifications. Against this background, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) contributes to efforts to provide training and income opportunities for refugees and members of the host communities and supports peacebuilding and intercultural activities with the aim of strengthening social cohesion at local level. Gaziantep had been selected as a project location in phase-3 of the project, for its tremendous challenges posed by mass migration of especially Syrian refugees over the past years, and for its considerable need of opportunities for forestation.
To implement effectiive and mimmediate measures to provide livelihood opportunities for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Turkish citizens (beneficiaries) in providing services to all citizens by planting saplings. In addition, the Syrian beneficiaries to receive Turkish Language training, thus removing an important barrier to the intergartion in Turkish Society and work in Turkey.
Target Audience
The project targets to registered Syrian refugees under temporary protection and vulnerable members of the host community. The project particularly targets disadvantaged and vulnerable groups such as households with female heads as well as single parents, disabled individuals, victims of gender-based violence and people in need of psychosocial support.