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New Project in Turkey: Promotion of Economic Prospects

45% of Syrian refugees in Turkey are over 18 years old. Many of them are in dire need of work. A significant number of those who do work, do so in labour-intensive and predominantly unskilled jobs according to the characteristics of the city they live in. More than 35% of employers across all company sizes point to lack of vocational training and technical skills as factors preventing job seekers from successful Integration into the Turkish labour market (GFA Final Report, 2016). This also holds true for Gaziantep and its region, which is host to a sizeable part of the population of Syrian refugees in Turkey.

There is a strong need for employment, vocational training and social cohesion for Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens through temporary employment, skills development and qualification. Approaches which tackle these problems in a comprehensive way are needed. This includes combined systems of theoretical and practical skills acquisition, as well as measures towards labour market and social integration. Technical, legal and language requirements will have to be met for that. Intercultural, gender and environmental aspects will have to be taken into account throughout.

On behalf of GIZ the IB supports employment measures for beneficiaries in the public and private sector. Employment prospects of beneficiaries are enhanced by short and medium term qualifications and they will receive approved certificates for the courses. The beneficiaries will participate in Turkish language courses, social integration and cohesion courses, including legal, financial and organisational issues in connection with entrepreneurship, occupational health and safety courses and medical check-ups. The beneficiaries will be supported with job placement to private companies through job coaching.

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